Lord Härringtón

Lord Harrington

Lord Harrington, 27th Harrington Earle, is an English, Anglo-American Artist, Architect and Architectural Designer, landowner and businessman.

The Lord Harrington is of an ancient family, an Anglo-Saxon of Mercia and Wessex heritage paternally, as well maternally ÖstPreußen ( East Preussia )  a descendant of Heinrich der Vogler.

He is active in a number of companies and acts as Chairman of Green Infrastructure and Wildlife Conservation.

Lord Harrington is acting chief counsel with The Rare Brown Beaver Trust, and he works with international sustainability and environmental recycling, as well as investment.

Lord Harrington is the advisor to de l’Orangerie Private Foundation; is Curator of the private Night Gallerie, and sits on the 1st Advisory Council of Elders in The Marksman Brotherhood of the Wolfe.

Lord Harrington is an Historian,  Ordained Minister and Prayer Councillor, and supports a range of charities, of note the Scottish Rite for Children Hospital.  He is known specifically for his commitment to animals, children and the environment.

Lord Harrington is a Shareholder and council director offering Strategic Consultancy of Preußen Bleu Trust a private International Recycling Company.

Search writings

John Dee and the Empire of Angels

John Dee was a prominent figure in the Elizabethan era and is known for his significant contributions as a mathematician, astronomer, occultist, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I of England. Born on July 13, 1527, in London, England, Dee's interests and expertise spanned various fields, making him a versatile and multifaceted scholar of his time.

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Revolutionizing Sanitation: The Invention of the Toilet

Throughout human history, the development of sanitation systems has played a vital role in public health and hygiene. Among the remarkable innovations, the invention of the toilet stands as a pivotal moment. Revolutionizing the way we dispose of waste, the toilet has brought immense convenience, improved sanitation, and transformed our daily lives. This essay delves into the origins and significance of the toilet, its evolution, and its impact on human health and society.

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Ancient Roman Toilets

Ancient Roman toilets, known as "cloacae" or "latrinae," played a significant role in the daily lives of the Roman people. These sophisticated sanitation systems were far ahead of their time and showcased the engineering prowess and innovation of the Roman civilization. In this article, we will explore the features, design, and cultural significance of ancient Roman toilets.

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The Early 1900's and Flush Toilets

The flush toilet, as we know it today, has become an essential fixture in households around the world. However, in the early 1900s, the introduction and widespread adoption of this modern convenience marked a significant leap in sanitation and public health. The flush toilet revolutionized the way people managed human waste, improving hygiene standards, and mitigating the spread of diseases.

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The Saxons in England

The history of the Saxons in England dates back to the early medieval period, during the migration and settlement of various Germanic tribes in the British Isles. The term "Saxon" originally referred to a group of Germanic peoples living in what is now Germany and Denmark.

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Queen Elizabeth I's Godchildren

Queen Elizabeth I had many godchildren throughout her reign, but one of the most notable was Sir John Harrington, who held a special place in her heart. Sir John Harington was the son of Queen Elizabeth's close confidant, John Harrington, and his wife, Isabella Markham. He was born on August 4, 1561, in Kelston, Somerset, England.

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